Apple Cinnamon Oats Bread
Scroll down for the recipe of the tasty bread!

Does'nt this look scrumptious?!?
I know what you're thinking!!Fashionista and I'm posting a it comes ***Drum roll***
I'm going to start posting some super delicious recipes that i've tried and tested and highly recommend!
Which means that it'll mostly consist of baking and some fancy food and you're probably gonna love this!!! I've been into baking for the last 2 years, however very inconsistently! Now that I'm back i want to share this experience with you guys as i stumble upon new recipes on pinterest and get fascinated n allured by the recipes that i get urged to try it out immediately! Hence, i stumbled upon this recipe from the blog lovelylittlekitchen (Here's the link : Notice how I've completely abandoned the glazing part...I have a reason for it and you have to trust me on this guys!!! I tweaked the recipe a bit but not much of major changes.
Can i start already?? This bread is a super delicious - its good for a brunch or even a snack provided it's very healthy (Apple -check ✔ , Oats - check ✔, Yogurt - check ✔ equal to healthy)
I'll post the step by step pictures so that you have an idea of how to go about it.
Firstly you'll need a clean bowl.

Secondly measure 2 cups of flour.
Then a cup of oats.
Add 2 teaspoons cinnamon( My folks back at home don't like cinnamon so i added only one teaspoon-Have i told you that i love cinnamon so..... cant ignore that completely either... It's all about balance you see?). Add a quarter teaspoon of salt and 2 teaspoons of baking powder to the dry ingredients.
I usually put the dry ingredients on a newspaper as it's better to seive and stuff!!
Next comes the wet ingredients. Remember the clean bowl i asked you to have in the beginning? Take that and crack two eggs into the bowl and whip those puppies up with a fork just to make sure that they're mixed thoroughly!

To this add a cup of granulated sugar.

Then add 3/4 cup of vegetable oil to that mixture.
Also, add 2 teaspoons of vanilla extract/essence.
And here comes the star of the show.... APPLESAUCE (If you're a middle class indian i bet you never would've heard of such a thing!) You don't have it in hand??? Fret not!! I have the recipe coming soon for you. I'll add the link to it. So you add a cup of the pre-made applesauce to the mixture.
To this mixture add half cup of thick yoghurt (Curd in indian)

Now mix all of these untill the sugar is dissolved. Do it gently and not vigourously.

Now add the dry ingredients to this wet ingredient mixture and mix with a spatula as shown in the picture.

Take a 9.25 by 5.25 by 2.75 inch metal nonstick loaf pan. Guys please stick to this measurement. But i did'nt....such a rebel that i am i used a 9.7 by 5 by 2.3 inch pan(I had only that in hand) which was clearly smaller and ended up burning the top part. So please stick to this one.
Butter the pan and flour it(This is called greasing... I hope i'm right).
Then pour in the batter into the mould and bake in a preheated oven( Since i use a convection oven i preheat for 2 mins).

Pop it into the oven at 180 C for 42- 45 minutes.

After sometime in the oven you may experience something you're in an apple garden and the bakery at the same time(Is this heaven?!?) and every person in every nook and corner of the house (probably even your neighbours) will ask you what's cookin'!! Don't tell them or else they'll get very impatient and keep torturing you with questions like "How long will it take?" "When will it get done?" "Is it done?" " Is it a bread or a cake?" like mine did!! :)
Almost towars the end to check if you insert the toothpick it might come out a with a little dough (half cooked) and that's okay because if you over cook it, it might turn out crumbly.
Once that's done take it out and cool it for a while before you remove it from the mould and plate it.
Now now now... Listen very carefully!! If you have a very less tolerance towards food that is too sweet stop it right here and just cut that bad boy up and enjoy!!
However, if you've got a sweet tooth and think the bread is not sweet enough then proceed with the glazing.

I did'nt have a picture without the glazing so i'm sneaking in a picture of the delicious bread along with glazing here..hehe!
For the glazing just add 1/4 cup of applesauce and half a cup of powdered sugar and mix them and pour it over the bread and enjoy!!! ( Caution : It will be very very very sweet!)
By this time my folks were half way through their slice of bread and they loved it... Ofcoure i did too!!

Here's the full recipe, Enjoy guys!!
Ingredients :
Flour - 2 cups
Oats - 1 cup (I used quaker oats)
Baking powder- 2 teaspoons
Salt - 1/4 teaspoon
Cinnamon powder - 2 teaspoons
Eggs - 2
Granulated Sugar - 1 cup
Vegetable Oil - 3/4 cup
Vanilla extract/essence - 2 teaspoon
Applesauce - 1 cup
Yoghurt/Thick curd - 1/2 cup
Glacing :
Applesauce - 1/4 cup
Sugar- 1/2 cup
Procedure :
1. Seive the flour and add oats,cinnamon powder,baking powder and salt to it.
2. In a clean bowl add the eggs and mix them
3. Add to the eggs- sugar,oil,applesauce,vanilla extract,yoghurt,
4. Now add the dry ingredients to the wet mixture and mix them until well combined(without overdoing it).
5. Pour it into the bread mould and bake it at 180 C for 42-45 minutes.
6. Cool it once its done and cut it and serve it with or without the glaze according to your preference.
That's all you guys!!! I hope you enjoyed reading it and please do make it and share your thoughts in the comment section!
Pssst!! I just posted my first video on youtube....Check it out!!! I'm still an amatuer so it might not be that great...#JustSayin!!
The Dusky Fashionista
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